About Cece
I started this business because being well while doing well matters to me.
Like yourself, I have a desire & ability to achieve. In the past though I did it unsustainably. I worked hard (rather than smart) & my relationships suffered.
I knew this had to change. I got myself a coach 12 years ago & I haven’t looked back since.
I changed industries, prioritised well-being, fun & adventure (even in my role as wife & mum!) & now I teach leaders like you how to live & lead wholesomely.
why “the main protagonist” coaching?
Because you play the lead role in the story of your life. I help leaders like you to be intentional about playing this role - this wonderful adventure - to the best of our abilities.
After completing a BA/LLB (Arts/Law) at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, I joined the Strategy/Business Performance Services team at KPMG. I then moved into media planning & buying, first in Kenya with Scangroup, then in Australia with OMD. My clients included Unilever, Kenya Airways, Diageo and Roadshow Entertainment.
The question: “what am I really doing with my life?” inevitably became too pressing because my life lacked balance. This was having a negative impact on myself and those around me.
It was during this time I took a risk, changed careers and joined the now-flourishing organic food industry, where I lead and mentored the sales team at Loving Earth. It was during this time I got my coaching accreditation with the Life Coaching Institute of Australia.
Once I finished that I decided to start The Main Protagonist, a vehicle through which I express myself and do rewarding work that I am deeply committed to - helping high achievers like you thrive in your work & in your personal life. I’ve coached business owners, people in management positions and creatives.